Today, I'm starting at a new call center. I worked at one for over a year and I'm having to remember how I kept myself sane. So, for all of you call center buddies, here is a list of some things to write in your notebook, because that's usually all that is on your desk. Here we go...
1. Plan a vacation- While you're sitting there, plan an awesome vacation. Plan out every single detail down to every dollar needed to save up and what it will go to. Plan the time, the location, and duration!
2. Write your favorite baby names (I think girls enjoy this more than boys). Then write the ugliest baby names EVER!
3. Write down every crazy name that you call, that can get really fun! Have your co workers do it too and at the end of the day, share all the ridiculous names!
4. Keep a tally of all the angry people, weird answering machines, etc you get in a day. It's kind of funny to think about as the day goes on.
5. Write a letter to someone who lives far away, or even someone who doesn't. Let them know you're thinking of them.
6. Plan what you're going to do after work. Go to the gym? Relax and watch a movie?
7. Make a list of all the movies you haven't seen but want to, or a list of the weirdest movies you've ever seen.
8. Make a list of all the places you want to travel in your life
9. Make a budget (I did this and it was really motivating because I was planning where my money would go from work)
10. Make a list of books you want to read.
11. Draw and doodle- that's the best!
12. Write in your notebook as a journal- Just make sure people aren't looking!
13. Bring colored pensils and color the whole page!
14. Make a list of all the things you would change in our country if you were president
15. Make a list of things you want to change about yourself (goals)
16. Write poems, stories, or song lyrics
17. If it's allowed, play hang man with the person next to you
18. Create a game. Write down all the rules and details of the game. When you get home, try it out with some friends. Or try it out on your break!
19. Make a list of new things you can bring to work next time to spice things up. For example:
Wednesday: Bring Jamba Juice-A new flavor I've never tried
Friday: Bring a sandwich from the new deli by my house for lunch
20. Make a list of all the people you talk to who have the same names as celebrities. I got a Robin Williams once!
If you have any other ones, add 'em on! We call center folk have to stick together!