So, over the past couple of years I've heard this and that about members of the NFL "taking a knee" during the National Anthem before games. I looked into it to understand why they were doing this. It seems there are a few different reasons but the original reason was to protest police brutality. While I absolutely admire people for taking a stand, especially when you have so much to lose and everyone's eyes are on you, because that would be incredibly hard to do, I don't agree with their decision. This is a very controversial topic and there are many people who disagree with it, but here is why I personally disagree.
To me, saying the pledge of allegiance and putting my hand over my heart for the National Anthem are reminders of what this country was founded on and what this country is *supposed* to be about. Notice I said *supposed* to be, because it's not always that. The National Anthem is about our nation's history and the sacrifices made for the people in this country and for the freedom that our ancestors dreamed of back then. The end of the anthem says "Over the land of the free and the home of the brave". In my opinion, the reason they are kneeling is the reason they should be proudly holding their hand over their heart. This country is supposed to be about freedom and the pursuit of happiness for everyone. The government is supposed to be working FOR the people, law enforcement is supposed to be protecting people and serving justice appropriately. Is this the way it is now? Unfortunately, no. But that is what the country is supposed to be about. That is what our ancestors dreamed about when they came to this country and fought in some of the bloodiest battles. The country they fought for, they dreamed about, and they created was not the country that we have today. But that's what the anthem is about. The anthem is about the true spirit and meaning of this country. That is what we stand for, that's what we show respect for.
Do I agree with Trump's decisions? Usually no. Do I like the current set up of our government and that it seems like the people fear the government when it should be the other way around? No. There are many things about the current state of our country that I'm not happy about (as I'm sure most people could say), but when I stand for the National Anthem or say the Pledge of Allegiance, I feel hope that our country can get back to its roots (in the areas it should), that we can stand together and that change is not impossible because We The People are the ones that this country was founded on. We, the minority, we the persecuted, we the unheard, are the ones that this country was founded for. We are the ones that our ancestors traveled so far for, gave their lives for, sacrificed everything for. Not for what we currently are, but for what we can be.
I understand why they're doing what they're doing, but I hope they understand that to a lot of us, it doesn't signify you being ashamed of the current state of your country, it signifies that you are ashamed of the vision of this country that the founding fathers had. The vision of freedom for all and justice for all. We may not all be persecuted the same way and in such harsh ways, but all of us are unhappy in some way or another with the current state of our country. That's not why we stand. We stand for our rights, for our freedoms, and for the unity that comes with standing as a people with a voice. We are this country. The police are not this country. The government is not this country. We are.